Sunday, February 10, 2013

Back in Action

Sometimes you need to sit back, take a breather, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be.  After my hiatus I am back in action, with lots of projects in the works.  Don't think I was just rotting around during these past few months though.  It was more of a recharging of my batteries, so I will be able to take on everything I would like too, and still remain true to myself. 

InTransit Magazine is an independent based online magazine for young adults transitioning into adulthood, which launched in December.  My good friend Charlene came up with this bold idea after being frustrated with magazines constantly sugar coating the reality we are actually living (more like struggling) through.  She asked me to collaborate along with several others   and write articles that we would be interested in reading ourselves.  Pertaining to Fashion & Style, Health & Beauty, Sex & Relationships, as well as featuring a few up and coming Twenty-Somethings making it big, and finding their way in this mad world.  I'm excited to be part of this movement.  Issues will be out monthly with fresh articles uploaded to the site every few weeks. 

Creativity is something that naturally flows out of me, sort of like carbon dioxide exhaling out of our lungs everyday.  For a long time I have forgotten how and where to channel it.  I have picked up drawing again, one of my favorite past times, as well as needle work, such as crochet and loom knitting.  Playing guitar is something that I've loved since I was 16, but engaged in on my own (with the help of my Dad's old acoustic) and never once took a lesson.  I'd love to start from the beginning and be guided through it by an instructor. Of course this blog is another outlet, a way to release the inner workings of my soul, and document them to share with others.

Overall I'm making a lot of progress in my own mental health and liking who I am again.  I think it's something that is extremely overlooked by many individuals, and there's some sort of stigma that goes along with getting things checked out.  I say more power to you! We are multidimensional beings, mind, body, and spirit.  All of which should be addressed, to obtain and allow us to be the best versions of ourselves.  There is nothing wrong with evaluating your life, pausing, and starting out again with a new and brighter outlook.  I now feel refreshed and able to concur anything that obstructs my path to personal success.  I'm looking forward to future endeavors and welcoming them with open arms.


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