Wednesday, May 1, 2013

4 Quick Projects

 A few April showers later, and spring in definitely in bloom. I documented some quick projects to share. Why not give something new a try.

1.)Tiny Storage Tubes
This collection of pill containers really did come in handy. Now I can house the tiniest in size, but some of the greatest in my work: studs and other embellishments. 
(really the only medicine I need)

2.)Ticket Stub Collage
I have been going to shows since the 7th grade and collecting my ticket stubs ever since. Some were lost along the journey to the present, but a great way keep the rest of the memories safe and alive all at once, is by creating a collage.

3.)Replace Buttons with Studs
I thrifted this skirt a few weeks ago and thought it could use a little pick me up.  Using needle nose pliers and a thread remover, I replaced the non functional buttons with black studs instead.

4.)Denim Jacket + Pin Collection
My favorite classic denim company has got to be, hands down, Levis. Wanting to add some character to my new thrift find, I used some old pins from high school and a few new ones.
(also created a new & cleaner watermark)

Later Kids :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Beautiful People Do Not Just Happen

Photography has always been there for me; as an outlet to fall back on in times of need. 
When I'm in a block, I can always just get outside (or inside), snap a random photo here and there, and end up with something to help inspire an idea later on. The past 2 years have been intense for me and for a while was not able to find the time to create anything. My camera was all I had, and continued to bring it out with me to gatherings, parties, outdoor adventures, or even just enjoying my own solitude. 
Curated on my camera's memory card from 2011- present time, and lightly edited on photoshop, here are some of my favorite people, and captured moments. (no particular order) 

fin :)