Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorful Colorado

Since I returned home from Colorado, I have been working non-stop. Having a free day today, I got the chance to go through all the pictures I took there. Never taking a flight without a travel companion, this was my first solo mission. It was exactly what I needed. The atmosphere of the mountains really helped to clear my head. It made me forget my troubles and brought up questions like, why I even worry about petty problems and situations? There's a whole world out there just waiting for me to explore, to help discover myself even more. If you ever have the opportunity to take a trip alone,  I more than recommend you doing so. You'll learn a lot about yourself.

The first set of pictures are from the 4th of July. My friends planned to go to the reservoir in Boulder. They have never been there before, so I was happy that it was something new that we can all experience together. We get up, make breakfast, then get a call from one of their friends. If we wanted a ride, we had to be ready in 15 mins! We wanted the ride. Frantic, we all rush to get dressed, not planning out anything. No beer, no make up, no care. We thought we would just figure it out when we got there. Little did we know, when we do finally get there, it is pretty much spring break mayhem. Out of control!

Remember those kids at the school dance, that stand against the wall while everyone else is partying!? Yeahhh, that was us. Even though we were definitely out of our element, we made the best of it and had a good ol' time. We were granted with the opportunity to drink some free beers, all of which could have been listed on the worst beer list. Free beer is good beer. Right!?

Next up are some photos from a hike we went on. Not checking the weather that day, on the drive up the mountain, it began to rain heavily. With peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by our side, tunes, and some great company, we made it to the parking area. We remained in the car for a good 20 mins. After the storm subsided some what, we got out of the car and began the hike. 

We almost made it to the top, but then the rain began again, so we worked our way down the mountain. On the drive up we passed this creepy, middle of nowhere bar on the side of the road. Of course we decided to head there to get some drinks.

There were 4 of us and 4 shots to choose from. Each of us selected a number. My shot was red, sweet, and tasted of peppermint. Can anyone solve the mystery?

My last day in Colorado, Jen and I planned to do everything we didn't get to do together, in one day. We were on top of the world!

The last place we went to was the Dushanbe Teahouse. It was absolutely beautiful. If you ever find yourself in Boulder, stop and get a cup of tea. 

Miss you little bee. XO.

Now Playing:

Artist: The Sea and Cake
Album: Glass
Song: Tea and Cake (mix by Stereo Lab)